
How to Convert 3D Models into STL Files in Autodesk Fusion 360


STL (Stereolithography or Standard Tessellation Language) is a widely used file format for 3D printing and visualization. Developed by 3D Systems, STL files define 3D objects using a set of triangles, known as tessellation. This guide will show you how to convert your 3D models into STL files using Autodesk Fusion 360.

Steps to Export a Model as an STL File

  1. Open the Model:
    • Open your 3D model in Autodesk Fusion 360.
  2. Select the Component:
    • In the model workspace, select the component or body you wish to export.
  3. Open the Export Dialog:
    • Click on the File menu.
    • Select Export.
  4. Choose STL Format:
    • In the Export dialog box, enter a name for your file.
    • Under Type, select STL (Binary) as the file format. This format is efficient for 3D printing and is preferred over ASCII unless you need a human-readable file.
  5. Set Tessellation Options:
    • There are three default tessellation settings: high, medium, and low. These determine the number of triangles used to approximate the model.
    • Higher tessellation results in more triangles and a larger file size, but more accurate representation.
    • For most 3D printing purposes, the default settings are sufficient.
  6. Adjust Advanced Settings (Optional):
    • If needed, you can modify the tessellation parameters for greater control.
    • Adjust the chord height, angle, and other parameters to fine-tune the tessellation.
  7. Structure Option:
    • If your component is composed of multiple bodies, you can choose the Structure option to “One File Per Body.” This allows you to batch all potential bodies into separate STL files at one time.
  8. Export the File:
    • Once all settings are configured, click OK or Save to export the STL file.

Additional Considerations

  1. Tessellation Settings:
    • High: Produces the most detailed and largest files.
    • Medium: Offers a balance between detail and file size.
    • Low: Produces the least detailed and smallest files.
    • Use the default tessellation settings for most 3D printing tasks unless you need specific adjustments.
  2. Binary vs ASCII:
    • Binary: The default and preferred format for STL files, efficient and compact.
    • ASCII: Human-readable but larger and less commonly used.
  3. Multiple Bodies:
    • When exporting a component with multiple bodies, the “One File Per Body” option can be useful for creating individual STL files for each body.


By following these steps, you can easily convert your 3D models from Autodesk Fusion 360 into STL files, ready for 3D printing. This process ensures your designs are accurately translated into a format suitable for 3D printers, maintaining the quality and precision of your original model.


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