
Polypropylene (PP) Filament for 3D Printing


Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer widely used in 3D printing due to its excellent chemical resistance, durability, and flexibility. Known for its toughness and low density, PP is ideal for producing lightweight yet strong components. It is also favored for its ability to withstand repeated stress, making it suitable for applications requiring high fatigue resistance.


  • Chemical Resistance: PP is highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including acids, bases, and solvents, making it ideal for chemical storage and handling applications.
  • Durability: Offers excellent impact resistance and durability, suitable for producing robust and long-lasting parts.
  • Flexibility: Provides a good balance between rigidity and flexibility, allowing for parts that can bend without breaking.
  • Low Density: Lightweight properties make PP ideal for applications where reducing weight is crucial.
  • Fatigue Resistance: Can withstand repeated stress without cracking, perfect for hinges and other moving parts.


  • Adhesion Issues: PP can have poor adhesion to the print bed and between layers, leading to warping and delamination.
  • Moisture Sensitivity: Absorbs moisture from the air, which can affect print quality and mechanical properties.
  • Post-Processing: Requires careful post-processing due to its chemical resistance and flexibility.

Technical Specifications

  • Density: 0.9 g/cm³ (56 lb/ft³)
  • Dielectric Constant (Relative Permittivity): 2.2
  • Dielectric Strength (Breakdown Potential): 20 kV/mm (0.79 V/mil)
  • Elastic (Young’s, Tensile) Modulus: 1.5 GPa (0.22 x 10⁶ psi)
  • Elongation at Break: 200%
  • Flexural Modulus: 1.3 GPa (0.19 x 10⁶ psi)
  • Flexural Strength: 35 MPa (5.1 x 10³ psi)
  • Glass Transition Temperature: -20°C (-4°F)
  • Melting Onset (Solidus): 160°C (320°F)
  • Shear Strength: 40 MPa (5.8 x 10³ psi)
  • Specific Heat Capacity: 1900 J/kg-K
  • Strength-to-Weight Ratio: 35 kN-m/kg
  • Tensile Strength: Ultimate (UTS): 32 MPa (4.6 x 10³ psi)
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.22 W/m-K
  • Thermal Diffusivity: 0.17
  • Thermal Expansion: 100 µm/m-K
  • Water Absorption After 24 Hours: 0.01%

Material Properties for 3D Printing

  • Printing Temperature: 220-250°C
  • Flow Tweak: 0.93
  • Bed Temperature: 85-100°C
  • Bed Preparation: Use a PP-specific adhesive or a polyimide tape on the print bed for optimal adhesion


  • High Chemical Resistance: Ideal for parts exposed to harsh chemicals.
  • Durable and Flexible: Suitable for applications requiring a combination of toughness and flexibility.
  • Lightweight: Perfect for producing lightweight components without sacrificing strength.
  • Fatigue Resistant: Can endure repeated bending and stress, making it ideal for moving parts like hinges.

Additional Considerations

  • Storage: Store PP filament in a dry, cool place to prevent moisture absorption, which can lead to printing defects.
  • Adhesion Solutions: Use appropriate bed adhesives or tapes to improve bed adhesion and reduce warping.
  • Post-Processing: Requires careful handling during post-processing due to its chemical resistance and flexibility.

Application Examples

  • Chemical Containers: Suitable for printing containers that need to resist chemical corrosion.
  • Living Hinges: Ideal for parts that require repeated flexing without breaking, such as living hinges.
  • Automotive Parts: Used for various automotive components due to its durability and lightweight properties.
  • Wearables: Suitable for creating wearable items that need to be both durable and comfortable.

By understanding these properties and considerations, you can effectively use Polypropylene (PP) in your 3D printing projects to achieve high-quality, durable, and chemically resistant results.

Polypropylene (PP) remains a versatile and durable choice for many 3D printing applications due to its excellent chemical resistance, durability, and flexibility, making it ideal for both industrial and consumer applications.


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